Supporting Leaders
Cara Judea Alhadeff
Climate Justice Performance Artist and Educator
Author, Zazu Dreams: Between the Scarab and the Dung Beetle: A Cautionary Fable for the Anthropocene Era
Zahra Ali
Director, Global Partnerships & Outreach, University of Connecticut
Shantha Ready Alonso
Executive Director, Creation Justice Ministries (Washington, DC)
Erik Assadourian
Director, The Gaian Guild
Former Senior Fellow,Worldwatch Institute
James Asugeni
Fataia Rangers, Jroa Centre for Information and Development, A’ ama, Solomon Islands
Benjamin Backer
President and Founder, American Conservation Coalition
Whitney Bauman
Professor, Dept. of Religious Studies, Florida International University
Dr. Jeremy Benstein
The Heschel Center for Sustainability, Tel Aviv
Tzeporah Berman
International Program Director, Stand.earth
Co-founder Global Gas and Oil Network
Chair, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
Adjunct Professor, York University
Dr. Sigurd Bergmann
Prof. Emeritus, Religious Studies, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
Dr. Erin Lothes Biviano
Professor of Theology, College of St. Elizabeth
Boróka Bó
Professor of Sociology, University of California-Berkeley
Ben Bowler
Executive Director, Unity Earth
Nurete Brenner
Executive Director, Lake Erie Institute
Gidon Bromberg
Israeli Director, EcoPeace Middle East, Tel Aviv
Devorah Brous
Founder and Director, From Soil 2 Soul
Founder, Bustan
Walter Brueggemann
Professor of Old Testament, Emeritus, Columbia Theological Seminary
Thomas Bruhn
Physicist and interdisciplinary researcher, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies
Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus
Professor of Religion, Wheaton College
Nicholas Campion
Director, Harmony Institute
Principal Lecturer, Institute of Education and Humanities,
University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Petra Carlsson
Associate professor of Systematic Theology, Stockholm School of Theology and University College Stockholm
Cláudio Carvalhaes
Associate Professor of Worship, Union Theological Seminary
Christopher Key Chapple
Doshi Professor of Indic and Comparative Theology
Director, Master of Arts in Yoga Studies
Loyola Marymount University
Dekila Chungyalpa
Director, Loka Initiative, The Center for Healthy Minds
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Flávio Conrado
Founder and Executive Director, Plataforma Intersecções, Brasilia
Sonia Cummings
Friends of the Arava Institute
Jane Davidson
Pro Vice-Chancellor Emeritus, University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Chair, Wales Inquiry of the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission
Author, #futuregen: Lessons from a Small Country
Prof. Ellen F. Davis
Amos Ragan Kearns Professor of Bible and Practical Theology, Duke Divinity School
Renaud Defiebre-Muller
Professor, Institute of Technology, University of Haute-Alsace
Alison Hawthorne Deming
Agnese Nelms Haury Chair in Environment & Social Justice, University of Arizona
Regent's Professor of Creative Writing
Siona van Dijk
Founder and CEO of the Subtle Center
David Dunetz
Head of Education, Heschel Center for Sustainability, Tel Aviv
Julia Enxing
Professor of Systematic Theology, Technische Universität Dresden
Asmaa El Maaroufi
Professor, Zentrum für Islamische Theologie, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany
Philipp Frey
Center for Emancipatory Technology Studies (Basel)
Peter A Geffen
Founder and President, Kivunim
Terry Gips
President, Alliance for Sustainability
Ben-Willie Kwaku Golo
Lecturer, Department for the Study of Religions, University of Ghana
Léonie Hampton
Denis Hayes
Coordinator of the first Earth Day, Founder of the Earth Day Network
President, Bullitt Foundation
Theodore Hiebert
Professor of Old Testament Emeritus,
McCormick Theological Seminary
Carl Honoré
Writer, journalist, public speaker
Michael Jacobson-Hardy
Chair, technology education program, Northampton High School
Trebbe Johnson
Founder and Executive Director, Radical Joy for Hard Times
Stephanie Kaza
Professor emerita, University of Vermont Environmental Studies
Author and teacher about Buddhism and ecology
Rev. Dr. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas
Missioner for Creation Care
Episcopal Diocese of Western MA & Southern New England Conference, United Church of Christ
Catherine Keller
George T. Cobb Professor of Constructive Theology, Drew University
Einat Kramer
Founder and Executive Director, Teva Ivri
David Krantz
President, Aytzim: Ecological Judaism
Satish Kumar
Founder and Director of Programmes, Schumacher College
Editor Emeritus, Resurgence & Ecologist magazine
Zohar Lavie
Co-founder, SanghaSeva
Mark Lawrence
Scientific Director, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam
David Lehrer
Executive Director, Arava Institute for Environmental Studies
Todd Jared LeVasseur
Visiting Assistant Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences
Valerie Luzadis
Professor, State University of New York, School of Environmental Science and Forestry
Founder, Heart Forward Science
Joanna Macy
Lisa Maria Madera
Prof. Daniel Matt
Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA
Mary Mattingly
Bill McKibben
Schumann Distinguished Scholar, Middlebury College
Frank Michello
Professor of Finance, Middle Tennessee State University
SooJi Min-Maranda
Executive Director, Aleph: Alliance for Jewish Renewal
Natalie Monkhouse
Founder and Executive Director, Ana-Genesis, Memphis, Tennessee
Ched Myers
Codirector, Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries
Vijaya Nagarajan
Associate Professor of Theology, Religious Studies and Environmental Studies, University of San Francisco
Mark Naveh
Program Director, Center for Creative Ecology, Kibbutz Lotan, Israel
Rabbi Yonatan Neril
Founder and Executive Director, Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development, Jerusalem
Shierry Weber Nicholsen
Psychoanalyst and author, Seattle, WA
Rabbi Micha Odenheimer
Founder and Director Emeritus, Tevel B’Tzedek
Ekene Odigwe
Broadcast journalist, Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria
Naomi Oreskes
Professor of the History of Science and Affiliated Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University
David W. Orr
Paul Sears Professor of Environmental Studies and Politics Emeritus, Oberlin College
Leah Penniman
Co-director and Farm Manager, Soul Fire Farm
Leah Rampy
Founder and Guide, Church of the Wild - Two Rivers, Shepherdstown, WV
Sarah Jaquette Ray
Professor of Environmental Studies, Humboldt State University
Author, A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety
Tony Reames
Professor, University of Michigan School for Environment & Sustainability
Pastor Carmen Retzlaff
Guest editor, AllCreation,org
Founding member, Wild Church Network of North America
Siamak Salimpour
Nigel Savage
Founder and Executive Director, Hazon
Jill S. Schneiderman
Professor, Department of Earth Sciences and Geography, Vassar College
Juliet B. Schor
Professor of Sociology, Boston College
Author of Plenitude: The New Economics of True Wealth
Richard Schwartz
Professor Emeritus, College of Staten Island
Author, Judaism and Vegetarianism
President. Jewish Vegetarians of North America
President, Society Of Ethical and Religious Vegetarians (SERV)
Jerome M. Segal
Founder, Bread and Roses Party
Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Maryland
Franz Segbers
Professor Emeritus of Social Ethics, Philipps-Universität Marburg
Tiffany Shlain
Founder and CEO, Let It Ripple Film Studio
Founder, the Webby awards
Author, 24/6: The Power of Unplugging One Day a Week
Judith Shulevitz
Author, The Sabbath World: Glimpses of a Different Order of Time
Dr. Matthew Sleeth
Executive Director, Blessed Earth, Lexington, KY
Nancy Sleeth
Managing Director, Blessed Earth, Lexington, KY
Ilana Sumka
Founding Director, Shleimut and The Center for Jewish Nonviolence
Lukas Szrot
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Bemidji State University
Alon Tal
Professor, Dept. of Public Policy, Tel Aviv University
Joram Tarusarira
Assistant Professor of Religion, Conflict and Peacebuilding
Director of the Centre for Religion, Conflict and Public Domain
University of Groningen
Samuel Thomas
Professor of Religion, California Lutheran University
Mary Evelyn Tucker
Senior Lecturer and Research Scholar, Yale University School of the Environment,
Divinity School, and Department of Religious Studies
Director, Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology
Gavin Van Horn
Creative Director and Executive Editor, Center for Humans and Nature
Gretel Van Wieren
Professor of Religious Studies, Michigan State University Christian Wahl
Trainer, Gaia Education
Author, Designing Regenerative Cultures
Christine E. Webb
College Fellow, Dept. of Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University
Visiting Scholar, Animal Ecology and Welfare Group, Utrecht University
Josh Weiner
Zacharias Frankel College, Potsdam/Berlin
Carol Wayne White
Professor of Religious Studies, Bucknell University
Dr. Deborah Williger
Institut für Theologische Zoologie, Münster
Dr. Esther Kramarsky-Winter
Dept of Biotechnology Engineering, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel
Norman Wirzba
Gilbert T. Rowe Distinguished Professor of Theology, Duke University Divinity School
Todd Wynward
Executive Director, TiLT (Taos Initiative for Life Together)
Laurie Zoloth
Margaret E. Burton Professor, Divinity School, University of Chicago