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A Gathering with Erik Assadourian and #DoNothingfortheClimateDay

Today we're witnessing two converging crises: the climate crisis and the mental health crisis. At the root of both is a culture that celebrates growth, consumerism, individualism over balance, stewardship, and community. Join Erik Assadourian as he discusses the very made-up holiday of #DoNothingForTheClimateDay, now on its third year! The idea of this day--balanced between the very active Earth Day and World Environment Day (on the second Thursday of May)--is to simply do nothing. Not strike, protest, nor even pick up trash, but simply rest: read a book, take a walk, spend time with loved ones, meditate, and best of all: go to bed early. In the process of slowing down, you'll heal both yourself and the planet (as you use less on that slower day than you typically would).

Register here.

March 23

Green Sabbath, Mingas & Murmurations - A Gathering

May 4

Gathering with Naama Sadan