
Talia Schneider, “Preparation for Catastrophe, Shmita (the Sabbatical Year) and Permaculture”
Schneider is one of Israel’s leading permaculture practitioners and teachers. This talk in Hebrew touches on shabbat. Schneider is one of Israel’s leading permaculture practitioners and teachers. Thank you to Daniel Lis, of Bern, a big fan of permaculture and food forests, for sharing this video with us. Daniel helped start a rooftop garden at his synagogue.

Az Yeranen - Then the Trees of the Forests Will Sing
Az Yeranen (Then the trees of the forests will sing), a piyyut, a traditional liturgical song in Hebrew, for Tu Bshvat, the Jewish holiday of trees.
The piyyut was composed by the Ben Ish Chai (Rabbi Yosef Chaim, 1832-1909), the great Baghdadi spiritual leader and scholar, and sung by Rabbi David Menachem. Thanks to Ezra Orlofsky, who works at a hydrogeochemistry lab in Israel, for sending this in. It would make a beautiful shabbat song.
The first stanza:
Then the trees of the forests will sing / Before God, the mightiest of the mighty,
Arousing melodies and songs / I will sing a new song.